Original Email Version

Newsletter for June, 2015
This is the corrected version. On the first one you received, there was a mistake in the East Sooke Trail Silent Hike article. It claimed that the hike would be on June 20, but that is WRONG. It’s on the 13th, as per the schedule in this newsletter and on the website.
The schedule for sits and special events is at the bottom, after the news items.
East Sooke Trail Silent Hike

On June 13 there will a silent hike from one end of the East Sooke Trail to the other. This is one of the most beautiful trails in the world. Not always easy, sometimes a bit challenging, but quite astonishingly lovely. Meet at Kokizanji (the Zendo at Nagle Road) at 7:30am sharp. Depending on the pace, it’s a six to eight hour endeavour (including rests and lunch), so be prepared for a real wilderness hike: Proper footwear, lots of water, your lunch, layers of clothing, hat, sunscreen… all of that serious hiking stuff. And, of course, hikers will be silent the whole way. Please let Eshu Osho know if you plan to participate.

Residential Training 

A CRAZY deal is happening. Residential training is usually $599/mo, but for the month of June, residential training costs are reduced to $299 for the month. Check out this for all the details on residential training for a day, for a week, for a month, for members, for associates, and for folks who are neither of those. 

June 20 Work Day
9 to Noon

It would be really great for a lot of people to show up to this one. The plan is to get a start on kinhin trail-making. Kokizanji is on a beautiful chunk of land, but at present kinhin is up and down the driveway. That’s fine, but through the meadow and around the pond sounds nice, doesn’t it? Well, that will only happen with willing hands to help. Let’s get a good turn-out for this jolly bit o’ fun!
Necessary: Work clothes, proper footwear, and work gloves. Sunscreen, hat, water bottle. Trail-making tools would help if you have them to bring.
Not necessary: Any particular skill!

Quarter 3 Fundraising Drive
Zenwest is not a business. It is a volunteer-run organization with one modestly-paid employee (Eshu Osho). It requires money just to keep the sits, programs, and temple going. Membership fees alone don’t do the trick. The fundraising drives are essential. Collective action works, and even just a small contribution helps. The Q3 fundraising drive is from June 1—17. Please consider offering what you can. Visit the donations page for information on how to contribute and other details about the fundraising drive.

June 7: Sangha Sunday (Kokizan-ji)
June 9: Tuesday Evening (UVic)
June 10: Wednesday Zendo (Roseberry)
June 14: Mondo Zendo (Kokizan-ji)
June 16: Tuesday Evening (UVic)
June 21: Half-Day Zendo (Kokizan-ji)
June 23: Tuesday Evening (UVic)
June 28: One-Day Intensive (Kokizan-ji)
June 30: Tuesday Zendo (UVic)
Special Events
June 1—17: Q3 Fundraising Drive
June 13: East Sooke Trail Silent 8am—4pm
June 20 : Zenwest Workday (Kokizan-ji 9:00am—12:00pm)
June 27: Intensive Prep Class 10am—Noon
Continuing May 4—July 28: Kokizan-ji Training Period 2, 2015. Residential and Non-Residential training

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