We make Zen come alive!
Genjo Osho Weekend Sesshin
Genjo Marinello Osho will be leading a sesshin in Victoria at the Maria Montessori Academy on the weekend of February 28th to March 1st , 2020. Genjo Osho is the Abbot of the Chobo-ji temple in Seattle, and is a senior teacher in the Rinzai Zen school.
Tuesday Evening Zen Meditation — Victoria
Zenwest’s Tuesday Evening Zen Meditation at the Interfaith Chapel is an open door to explore the way of zazen (seated meditation), the traditional and integral practice of Zen Buddhism.
Sunday Zendo
Our home temple, Roseberry Temple, is in Victoria, BC. We have transitioned to having pod Temples in line with our new foundation of practice opportunities and activities offered by members. We are also pleased to introduce Beechwood Temple in Fairfield...

Spiritually Speaking
Spiritually Speaking, published on-line at the Times Colonist website, is an opportunity for local wisdom traditions to share. Our Reverend Soshin McMurchy occasionally writes an article for Spiritually Speaking. Read her wise words here:
- Ancient Stories Still Have Power To Teach Us Today
- How Can We Make A Difference In Our Small Corner Of The World
- Solidarity, not just charity for street community (Guest writer, Joshua Goldberg)
- Leaning in and Finding the Courage to be Kind, Calm, and Vocal
- Navigating White Fragility
- World Interfaith Harmony Week
- Zen 101 for Activists (or Do You Love Earthworms?)
- Finding a Way Past the Daydreaming
- Mindfulness Provides Understanding of Silent Racism
- With Some Practice You Can Flourish in Hard Times
Zen Practice Schedule and Events
Online Courses
Zenwest Community
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About Zenwest
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