Zenwest offers a number of local in-person courses to members and associates who live in or near the Victoria, BC area. Our Orientation to Zen course is open to everyone and is a wonderful introduction to this practice. Our other courses are for the development of members of Zenwest.

Genjo Osho Weekend Sesshin

Genjo Osho Weekend Sesshin

Genjo Marinello Osho will be leading a sesshin in Victoria at the Maria Montessori Academy on the weekend of February 28th to March 1st , 2020. Genjo Osho is the Abbot of the Chobo-ji temple in Seattle, and is a senior teacher in the Rinzai Zen school.

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Zenwest Chants

Zenwest Chants

Here you will find the Zenwest Chant Book as well as MP3 recordings of all the chants done in our regular Sunday service.

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Please make a Donation to Zenwest

Your donation helps Zenwest to continue to provide local practice offerings in the Zendo and the many services and supports that we offer around the world such as the Living Zen podcast, on-line courses and videos. You can make a difference by ensuring that we can continue to deliver our outstanding programming!

Thank you for helping to make Zen come alive at Zenwest!