Newsletter for July, 2015
For the Sits and Special Events schedule, scroll down. Please read the other stuff on your way down!
Some Big Events in July


Otherwise known as the “Commitment Ceremony.” This will be held on Sunday, July 12, at the Interfaith Chapel at UVic. The ceremony starts at 10:00 am.
Barry Philips, Luke Rogers, and Alex Whitehouse will receive the Buddhist Precepts as Householders.
Matt Kelly will receive the Buddhist Precepts as a Postulant (meaning that he will be training to become an Elder).
Kidō deRosenroll and Hoyu Boulter will become Elders in the Zenwest Sangha.
After the ceremony, there will be a reception at Archipelago Marine Research, 525 Head Street, Esquimalt. That reception will end at 4pm. Maps and directions will be available at the ceremony. If you’re attending the reception, please RSVP to Kidō at
Here’s a jaunty little tune, “Jukai Day,” composed and performed by your humble editor Kyōkū for a Jukai back in 2010.

July 19-26
The Seven-Day Summer Sesshin at Zenwest’s Red Flag Mountain Temple in Sooke is a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in intensive residential Zen practice, and to participate in co-creating our Sangha’s space.
For more information, including prerequisites for participation, the possibility of part-time participation and other matters, please click on the link above.
Devices turned in at the start of Sesshin. Yes, it’s an old photo. How soon these devices look quaint, eh?

Member & Associate Feedback Survey
Please keep an eye out for this upcoming survey.
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

The annual member and associate feedback survey invitations will be sent out on Friday July 10, 2015.

We are asking for general feedback, programme feedback, and feedback on our abbot. Please think about the things that you love about Zenwest, and the things you’d love to change, because we want to hear about both! Your survey will remain open and available to edit until you hit the “done” button, or until August 16, 2015 at 11:59pm—whichever comes first—so please take your time and help us make Zenwest better and better.

July 5: Sangha Sunday (Kokizan-ji)
July 7: Tuesday Evening (UVic)
July 8: Wednesday Zendo (Roseberry)
July 14: Tuesday Evening (UVic)
July 15: Wednesday Zendo (Roseberry)
July 19—26 Sesshin
Jan 28: Tuesday Evening (UVic)
Special Events
July 12: Commitment Ceremony
July 18: Zenwest Workday (Kokizan-ji 9:00am—12:00pm)
July 19—26 Sesshin
July 29—Aug 14 Abbot’s Holiday (Tuesday sits will continue.)

Eko Goldberg brought this to our attention. Here’s the link for more information:
One Earth Sangha
Irrelevant Random Photo at the End
Kendō Ralfs with coffee and octopus.
Your humble editor would like to make the irrelevant random photo of some member a regular feature.
Please submit your irrelevant random photo of you doing something irrelevant and random to You can explain the photo or not, as you choose.
Copyright © 2015 Zenwest Buddhist Society, All rights reserved.

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To see the full schedule in all its glory, click here.

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