Happy Spring!
Please check out the Zenwest Abbot Update, a brief message from Eshu Osho on Youtube. This is the first of what promises to be a monthly offering in which Eshu will talk a bit about what’s going on with Zenwest. Please take seven minutes and have a look and listen.
April will see a two-day Zen Weekend at Kokizanji (Red Flag Mountain Temple) in Sooke. At around 3:38 on the Abbot Update Youtube, Eshu describes the idea of this event. He says he’s thinking of it as a “Zen camp.” It will be open to everybody, not just members and associates, so you can invite friends and family. This will be a fantastic opportunity to transition with the season, and sample what residential Zen training can offer. Check out the details by clicking this. (Scroll to the bottom of this newsletter for an agenda of the Zen Weekend.)
One-Day Intensive on April 19th. The Dharma talk at the one-day intensive will be about koan practice in the Rinzai tradition. There will be some history, but it will focus on the actual practice of koan training, how to approach it, and how koan practice is useful in everyday life.