Are you looking for a way to go beyond the simple basics of meditation, or how to take your practice deeper?

Are you ready to engage face-to-face with an experienced teacher, and explore how becoming involved with a community that was created to support meditation can inspire and enhance your own practice?

The benefits of a consistent meditation practice are well established – stress reduction, a less cluttered mind, improved focus and awareness, better immune function, more restful sleep, and insight into the habits that are limiting the realization of your true potential.

This course offers a progressive combination of study and practice, individual and group interaction, and personal guidance that will provide a strong foundation to experience the profound change that Zen meditation practice offers.

The Orientation to Zen Buddhist Practice Course is the primary gateway to Zen Training at Zenwest Buddhist Society. The course runs 2 hours on each of four Saturdays.

Course information and Registration

Course Dates 2016:

Saturday mornings 9:30am – 11:30am

  • January 9, 16, 23 & 30
  • April 9, 16, 23 & 30
  • July 2, 9, 16, 23
  • September 24, October 1, 8 & 15

In order to maintain the quality of instruction, course enrollment is limited to 12.

Fees for this four-week course: $249 ($199 for Zenwest Associates)

A deposit of $50 is required to ensure a space upon registration. The balance is payable one week before the first day of the course.

This includes:

  • Four weekly group discussion and meditation sessions with Rev. Doshu and/or Kosen Eshu, Osho
  • Meditation cushion (zafu)
  • Peer Support Connection
  • All online and printable course materials
  • Zenwest Chant Book
  • Upon completion of the Orientation, all participants are invited to apply for Membership in Zenwest.
  • If you choose to become a Zenwest Member, you must purchase a black martial arts-style (gi). In Victoria, we recommend Kata Trading – 239 Menzies Street (250) 382-5282

Pay Via PayPal
