(Original Email Version)

Newsletter for May, 2015

Yikes, the newsletter is very late this month. Sorry about that. The newsletter for June will be a real rip-snorter!

An important event of note still to come in May: THE ZENWEST AGM on May 20. The info is in a text box below. This is a great opportunity for new and old members to connect with the inner workings of Zenwest and, as Doshu points out, “participate in co-creating your zen centre.” Please take note of that possessive pronoun. YOUR zen centre.

Also, please take note of information about the Dharma Study Group and other info from Eshu Osho to be found below.

Intensive Preparation Course

Eshu Osho is gathering names for the Intensive Prep course. If you’d like to take the course, and become qualified for intensive practice at Zenwest, please contact Eshu Osho ASAP.

May 19: Tuesday Evening (UVic)
May 24: One-Day Intensive (Kokizan-ji)
May 26: Tuesday Zendo (UVic)
May 27: Wednesday Zendo (Roseberry)
May 31: Half-Day Zendo (Kokizan-ji)
Special Events
May 4—July 28 Kokizan-ji Training Period 2, 2015. Residential and Non-Residential training
May 20: Zenwest AGM

Zenwest Annual General Meeting

Nominations for candidates for your board of directors, to be selected at the upcoming Annual General Meeting (to be held at 7:00pm on May 20th at 247 Beechwood Ave, Victoria (chez Kozan and Seishin)) are now closed.

Five qualifying members (members for at least one year, and ‘in good standing’) have been nominated, namely Hoyu Boulter, Soshin McMurchy, Kozan Nishigaya, Barry Phillips, and Doshu Rogers.  Given that there are five board positions available, and five candidates, I think that it is likely that the five named will be acclaimed to the board positions at the AGM.

In addition to the board selection, the agenda will include reports from the Abbot and from the Chair, as well as presentation and adoption of the 2014 financial statements, so do plan to come and participate in co-creating your zen centre!  There will be some informal time after the meeting, so please feel free to bring snacks to share.

If you will be attending, and have not yet indicated your intention to do so, please let me know in advance, so we can be prepared for the numbers expected.  That said, don’t let not having announced your intention to come keep you from attending – just come along if so moved.  I expect that you will be glad that you did!

Looking forward to seeing you next Wednesday evening,



(Secretary of board)

Codependent Origination
(Why to attend the AGM)

Dharma Study Group

Saturday May 30, 2015

Member Tania Castillo will be hosting:
1701 Cedar Hill Cross Road (Fraser Tolmie Apartments) entrances to the complex are located on the Richmond side or Cedar Hill Cross side, and visitor parking is available.

Please call or text cell (778-678-0722) upon arrival, and you will be met at the entrances (if you can specify which entrance, that would be great).

Bhavachakra – The Wheel of Life and Death
Non-Residential Training Period

The NRTP is in session, and it’s not to late to join in if you haven’t already done so. The more the merrier.

Also, the hermitage, and plenty of camping space are available for those who want to come and engage in residential training for any duration. Please contact Eshu.

Work Project

The work project for this summer will be the creation of a walking (kinhin) trail that runs past the hermitage and down the back of the property past the ponds.

It’s going to be a big job, but not a great deal of skill is involved, just plenty of muscle and teamwork. I could really use your help to see this though. Please contact Janine, our volunteer coordinator to get involved.

Care Taking/ Grounds Keeping

The temple grounds in Sooke are a huge endeavour.

Your help in keeping it looking great would be appreciated.

At present we have no residential students, so if you have any time and are willing to mow grass, pull broom, trim trees and bushes, please contact Janine, our volunteer coordinator.

Times Colonist 10K Run/Walk/Crawl

Zenwest had a team of deadly serious athletes at this year’s 10K run. Here you can see Soshin and Eko expressing their deadly serious attitudes.

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