Welcome to the first instance of the Zenwest Newsletter. The newsletter team is new to this and would welcome any advice as to how to improve this newsletter to make it as useful as possible. For more information about any events, please click on the event to go to the Zenwest homepage for more details. For the full schedule, click here.
Jan 17 marks the 16th anniversary of our abbot Eshu Osho‘s ordination. This is certainly a birthday of sorts. Congratulations Eshu Osho.
An event in February to plan for: Genjo Osho will be visiting Zenwest from Feb 27—Mar 1. Take this opportunity to meet and sit with our teacher’s teacher.
Excellent News Department: The Q1 fundraising achieved $7,100. The target was $7,000. Scroll down to see the winners of the prints by Dylan Thomas, and to see what they won. |