Genjo Marinello Osho will be leading a sesshin in Victoria at the Maria Montessori Academy on the weekend of February 28th to March 1st , 2020. Genjo Osho is the Abbot of the Chobo-ji temple in Seattle, and is a senior teacher in the Rinzai Zen school.
The weekend will begin with a formal meal and sitting on Friday evening. The Saturday schedule, 7am to about 9pm, will include zazen (seated meditation), kinhin (walking meditation), teisho (dharma talk), dokusan (interviews), samu (work practice), three formal meals and yoga. The Sunday practice will begin at 7am and conclude by noon, at which point there will be a ceremony to recognize Zenwest priest Doshu Rogers as a Temple Priest (Osho). This ceremony will take about an hour and will be followed by tea and coffee.
Sitters will go back home at night. If you need accommodation in Victoria, please get in touch.
We will observe the Zenwest form. You will be required to wear a practice uniform. If you are uncertain about the form, there is a four-week online course on the Zenwest website: http://zenwest.ca/site/free-online-orientation-to-zen-course/ We also plan to offer a half-day intensive on February 2nd to refresh everyone’s memory.
The cost for the weekend sesshin will be $125 per person. Members can deduct their monthly fee from this sum. If you wish to pay more or need to pay less for the weekend, we will happily accept that.
If you want to attend only the Osho ceremony, you will be most welcome, and there will be no charge
If you have questions, please contact Doshu (doshu@zenwest.ca).
Registration and Payment
To register and pay for the weekend sesshin, please click the Donate button below. Suggested fee is $125 (less monthly membership fee for members).