Donate to Zenwest
Your donation helps Zenwest to continue to provide local practice offerings in the Zendo and the many services and supports that we offer around the world such as the Living Zen podcast, on-line courses and videos. You can make a difference by ensuring that we can continue to deliver our outstanding programming! Thank you for helping to make Zen come alive at Zenwest!
Please consider becoming a Member if you would like to more formally support us on an ongoing basis.
If you enjoy the resources and programmes that Zenwest makes available, please click the Donate button below. In doing so, you become a co-creator in the Zenwest community.
The Zenwest Buddhist Society is a federally registered charity in Canada, therefore a receipt will be issued for all donations, which can be used for income tax purposes.
Donations are always very much appreciated, and are a powerful way for you to participate in co-creating Zenwest. If you cannot donate financially, we are always looking for volunteers to help us run programs and teams that provide services to members and associates. Consider donating your time to the centre by volunteering.
Thank you for your support!
Make a one-time donation
Become a patron of Zenwest
Please consider becoming a Patron of Zenwest Buddhist Society by committing to a making monthly donations.